Build Truss Data Table Properties bars Equations The data that save in "FileNeam.Tru" file
The main rules for building Truss are
Data table
The data in the tables with the yellow colors background (E, A, P) can be changed.In order from Top Left.
- Bars E & A Value. (with ability to change all bars to identical value ).
- Force in bars. (with ability to change all force to identical value ).
- Force activated on the Joint - Joint (index number of Joint) (furce direction).
- S matrix (more detail see Equations).
- K rigidity matrix (more detail see Equations).
- u- Joints movements.
- Q - directions matrix (more detail see Equations).
Property 1Property 2Size of board - in pixels, little size will take less computer memory. some times if you already build Truss then you change the size to little one, the truss can be hidden in the area that be reduced, so be sure to change it at the beginning of work Grid - select the size of the grid, the Joints move only on the grid. Default values at adding - the value of the bars and force that will be add from now. Relative length of bar - on the right select value , on the left see the relative length. Spectrum of strains can be relative to maximum strain in the Truss or relative to selected value. Size of Joint can be change to 3 size. Thickness of bars can be change to 3 size. Multiply the movement at more exact value from the tool bar. Convert Bars colors according to Pressing / Extending / non . Clear the movement or grid lines from board.
Tool bar
From left
From left
Progress bar show :
- Time Progress to Build rigidity matrix
- Time Progress to Solve the equation system of the Truss case.
Explanation about the calculations (in order) to solve Truss. (all in matrixes)
The data that save in "FileNeam.Tru" file
The data that save in the file (ASCII) is :
Line 1 : the Version number.
Line 2 : empty place for information.
Line 3 : properties - [Size of Board width (0 to 4), Size of Board height (0 to 4), Relative length (1 to 3), Size of Joint (1 to 3), Bar Thickness (1 to 3)]
Line 4 : [Number of free directions , Number of Joints , Number of Bars]
Line 5 to Line-(num of bars + 5) : matrix of the connections between Joints to Bars.
Line-(num of bars + 5) to Line-(num of bars + num of Joints + 5) : properties of joint [# if Joint is Enable # , the value of Force at x direction , the value of Force at y direction , type of support (0=non, 1=static, 2=mobile to y, 3=mobile to x) , position of X from the left work zone , work of Y from the top work zone].
Last line -1 : E value of the Bars.
Last line : A value of Bars.this information can give the user ability to built complex Truss at another Software for example at C++ and save it as "FileName.Tru" (in ASCII), then solve it in X-stract Truss Software
Simply click on mouse left button on free work board zone.Connect Bar to 2 joint
Add Force to jointClick (or make sure that it is pressed) "Bar" button at the Tool Bar. Move the mouse upon the first Joint and click mouse right button. Move the mouse to the second Joint (the second Bar edge will run after the mouse). Click upon the second Joint.
Add SupportClick 1 of the 4 button of force at the Tool Bar. Move the mouse upon the Joint and click mouse right button.
(you can not add force if the Joint direction is not able to move to the force direction)
Delete Joint / Bar / Force / SupportClick 1 of the 3 button of Support types at the Tool Bar. Move the mouse upon the Joint and click mouse right button.
Move JointSelect from the Tool Bar button "Select elements to delete" the element that you want to delete Move the mouse upon the element (the element will change to white) and click the "Cut" button from the Tool bar (or "Delete" button at the KeyBoard).
Move the mouse upon the Joint and drag it with the mouse.Change Value of E / F / A
(or select the Joint (to white color) then move it with the Keyboard arrows)
Move the mouse upon the element and click the right mouse buttonSee Movements
(to move on Bar element move on his number).
See Bar data resultMake sure that in the menu Option -> Movement graph every solve is check Make sure that the movement is multiply at the fit value (change value of multiply at the Tool bar).
To see result of data bar Make sure that the Truss is solved Move the mouse upon the Bar number, and you will see it as a "Tool Tip Text" - the data contains [Bar index , Bar Strain , Bar t force , A , E , L , dL the L change].Or go to Options -> Data Tables and see all matrix data.
NewClears the work space and create a new document.OpenOpen X-stract Truss files with form "FileNeam.Tru"
when you open the file the software builds the Truss, then message box appear if you want to solve the Truss , it's possible to continue building Truss without solving.
for more information about The data that save in the file
Save AsSave the Truss as "FileName.Tru".Exit
it is recommended to save the Truss for safety during the work
for more information about The data that save in the fileClears the work space and exit the Software.
Solving a Truss
if n>m (number of free directions > number of bar) the Truss can't be solved, the Truss is not legal it is mechanism and Message Box will appear.
Data Table
Open The Data Table window. for more detail see Tutorials Data TableTool-bar
Show / Hide the the Tool-bar from the top zone. for more detail see Tutorials BarsLarge Tool-bar
If Tool-bar is on turn it to large / small Tool-bar.Status barShow / Hide the the Status bar from the down zone. for more detail see Tutorials Bars
Progress bar
Show / Hide the the Status bar from the down zone only at solve time. the Progress bar show the time Progress of solving Truss case.Movement graph every solve
for more detail see Tutorials Bars
Decide if movement will appear after solving Truss case.
Strain color every solve
Decide if strain color will appear on the bar after solving Truss case.PropertiesShow / Hide the Properties (1 or 2) at the Right zone of the board.
Help contents
Open this help internet document.
Help for mouse actions
Show / Hide the Help for mouse actions at the Top-Left zone of the board.
Open Equations window. for more detail see Tutorials Equations
About X-struct
about X-strucr Software . for Software that not register how to register