The english version is comming soon...
There are 2 steps to run the exe file:
1. Download Microsoft Visual Basic
Runtime 6, and install it. (1.03 Mb) - if you dont' have VB6
2. Download project directory
files and unzip them . (0.9 Mb)
Then run "Xstruct.exe" file
(Truss: First I recommend
to open the examples files (*.det) with the program.)
See picture examples :
0 1
2 3
Download movie example : clip2.avi
(0.6 Mb) - 480X640
See picture examples :
0 1
2 3
Download movie example : clip1.avi
(0.67 Mb) - 768X1024
Download final report - (27 Kb)
- (in word 97)
Download User guide + theory (386
Kb) - (in word 97)
I would like to know if any problems appear.
yair kamm