Study of the angular velocity and proper 
motion of sunspots, not translated yet.
Solar,just like our mother, is such an interesting fixed star.

Orinally, I thought that the "Sun" is the most ugly star in the sky. [Ouch, how big a bright thing in the sky!]
It's not romantic at all. But dear, the reason why I start to be enthusiastic about astronomy is just because of being enchanted by it.
One time, when I was a little girl (actually I'm already 15 then) I joined an astronomy workshop to discuss with other students who's the same age as me at their reseaches. Some students talk about the sun. As I passed by, I heard some thing......
Wow!!! The Solar's face isn't like a baby's skin, but a little bit like your grandpa's. It's full of strange features such like "Prominences", "Sunspots", "Super granulation" (In Chinese, we interprete this noun as great rice) etc.
So, these things lead me fall in love with astronomy until now. I really like them.
Mail me if there's any suggestions, and I'll also be glad to discuss with you. ^_^