Karl Chambless - 12/17/00 17:10:50
My Email:kchamble@midsouth.rr.com
Photographer?: yes
Satellite Tracker?: no
Astronomer?: no
Hi! We spoke one evening as I broadcast my show at WUMR 91.7 FM. Just thought I'd drift in an check out the stars.
Karl Chambless
gjerry berquist - 04/04/00 04:03:05
My Email:Gjerry@earthlink.com
Photographer?: yes
Satellite Tracker?: no
Astronomer?: no
nice pix
Ross Bowditch - 02/26/00 16:01:55
My Email:Supation@AOL.com
Satellite Tracker?: Visual Obsever
I'm new to this field. Just got the download from Stephen Fels homepage. I'm just poking around and thought I'd sign your guestbook.
- 01/20/00 21:51:17
ralph askins - 11/08/99 17:52:07
Astronomer?: amiture
Ping - 11/05/99 23:31:18
My Email:wiboonj@netscape.net
Photographer?: not quite
Satellite Tracker?: nope
Astronomer?: a lazy amateur
Glen Diehl - 10/25/99 12:59:27
My Email:www.GBDiehl@aol.com
I have an strong interest in science and astromony, and have children that are also interested in astromony. Your pictures are interesting and fun for to look at.
Todd McMillen - 10/22/99 15:00:26
My Email:toddtm@pobox.com
Photographer?: I wish!
Satellite Tracker?: I wish!
Astronomer?: I wish!
Nope, I'm just an enthusiast. I dig the satellite flare! I'm from Memphis too, so I had to wish you a How-dee! Keep up the good work!
Alan Purser - 06/20/99 13:51:27
My Email:aspurser@bellsouth.net
Photographer?: yes
Satellite Tracker?: interested
Astronomer?: interested
I have a telescope and very little knowledge about Astronomy. I am very interested.
Thanks, Alan
Jim - 06/09/99 23:59:01
My Email:nixj@bellsouth.net
Photographer?: Yes
Satellite Tracker?: Yes
Astronomer?: Yes
Just to start things off. We had 318 visitors
in April, when we began April 13th. Thanks to our
contributors of excellent photos,
Regards and Best Wishes