Thanks to our Sponsors

We are very thankful to all our sponsors

1. Open Society - Georgia Foundation
(George Soros Foundation)

(Photo: G.Soros at the Georgian Academy of Sciences)
International Soros Science Education Program (ISSEP)
Dr Tamara Khulordava - ISSEP Georgian Branch Executive Director
Professor David Aladashvili - ISSEP Georgian Branch Coordinator

ISSEP is dedicated to supporting education in the basic sciences (Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry) at the high school and University level.

2. Dr Nana Jaoshvili,

(worked at the Institute of Physics
of the Georgian Academy of Sciences)

3. Professor Lucien Montanet,


(Photo: L.Montanet at the Georgian Physical Society)

4. Dr Sam Burstein,


(Studied at the Tbilisi School # 42 named after I.N.Vekua)

5. David Zlotchenko
Sr. Systems Analyst
Academic & Research Services
University of Tennessee
(Studied at the Tbilisi School # 42 named after I.N.Vekua)

6. Medea Tsnobiladze & Levon Frndjibachian

(Studied at the Tbilisi School # 42 named after I.N.Vekua)

7. Dr Michael Burstein,


(Studied at the Tbilisi School # 42 named after I.N.Vekua)

8. German Kaplunovich

MBA Class of 2001
Sloan School of Management, MIT
(Alumnus of the Tbilisi School # 42 named after I.N.Vekua, class of 1990)

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