Our team was very strong, but our results were not very high. We have one Bronze Medal and one Honorable Mention. Other students are also very strong and they continue successful study at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and at Tbilisi State University (TSU). There are also some participants of the last XXIX IPHO who are still High School Students and who will probably take part in XXX one (Italy, Padua, July, 18th-27th 1999).
The main problem of our team is an Experimental Exam. Sometimes our points in theory are higher than points of some Medal winners, but final places depend on sum (experiment + theory). To improve the situation our new Minister of Education Professor Aleko Kartozia have had established a special Group of Young Physicists. This group works from the November 24 at The Scientific-Technical Center of Students and Youth of Georgia (they are formally students of their old schools and will get certificate there).
The Group consists of 12 students. Pedagogical team (10 teachers) is formed mainly from scientists who has Ph.D. degree and work at Academy of Sciences and TSU.
Our main problem is that the Group has no financial support. Ordinary Schools charge students (except of best 30%), but here we have the best students from the whole Georgia and can't ask them to pay for their study. So, we can survive only with help from our friends and colleagues.
Now our main sponsor is International Soros Science Education Program (ISSEP). They buy airplane tickets for the team and they will give us some important equipment – kerosene heater, 1-2 electronic devise. Unfortunately they have no rights to pay grants to teachers, that is prohibited by the rule of Soros Foundation. According to our estimates, we will need US$ 2.500-3000 per WHOLE YEAR as minimum. We also need some devises, because neither school nor Center where we work now have enough equipment for preparation for the Experimental exam. However we have started our work and have done some simple experiments and very difficult theoretical problems.
To accept a financial support IN
THE FORM OF GIFT our team have created an unregistered organization “Padua-99
Fellowship”. This fellowship consists of Teachers and Leaders. Formally
Fellowship will be closed after final financial report at 15 September
when everything is clear and all works are finished. This Report will be
submitted to all sponsor. To accept a support we have chosen the TBC Bank
– bank that is used by George Soros for his foundation.