
A "Free Trip" to Hok Tau and Luk Keng


鶴藪營地 Hok Tau Camp-site

  營地路口(左面斜路,右面可階) Footway(left) and stairway(right) to camp-site

  玩耍 Children are playing

  扎營 Camping

  扎營 Camping

  扎營 Camping

  扎營 Camping

  陽光遍地灑 Sun shined field

  玩耍 Children are playing

  小路 Footway

  營地第一站 Public Lavatory

  千年古樹 Old Trees

  綠蔭婆疏 Young Trees

  古樹參天 Tree tops with bluish sky

  玩耍 Children are playing

  玩耍 Children are playing

  玩耍 Children are playing

  綠蔭婆疏 Under the trees

  鶴藪道(營地外) Hok Tau Road (Outside Camp Site)

  鶴藪道(營地外) Hok Tau Road (Outside Camp Site)

  鶴藪道(營地外) Hok Tau Road (Outside Camp Site)

  營地入口 Camp Site entrance

  日落西山(圖中的橫線為鏡頭光學部件造成的衍射) Sun shines from the west(bright sun with "diffraction spikes" an artifact of camera optics)

  遍地綠草 Plants in the campsite

  眺望遠山 View the hills around


長山古寺 Cheung Shan Temple

  古剎暮鼓(數百年歷史) Old drum(several hundreds years old)

  暮鼓晨鐘(數百年歷史)Old drum and old bell(several hundreds years old)

  雕樑畫棟 Old styled roof in the temple(well maintained)

  古寺正門 View of the temple


鹿頸 Luk Keng

  往北望(內地) Viewing to the north(inland)

  水平如鏡 Flat surface of water

  水平如鏡 Flat surface of water

  橋畔垂釣 Fishing at the bridge side

  水中群鳥 Some birds on the water surface

  鹿頸一瞥 A view of Luk Keng

  在水中央 A bird on the flat surface of water

  日落西山,踏上歸途(圖中為汀角道,橫線為鏡頭光學部件造成的衍射)Ting Kok Road(Back To Tai Po)

  日落西山,踏上歸途(圖中為汀角道,橫線為鏡頭光學部件造成的衍射)Ting Kok Road(Back To Tai Po)

  落日餘輝 Sun shines through the trees


Updated on Dec. 31, 1999