Welcome to the realm of NUCLEAR science
Do youknow about Nuclear Science? What does the word    
nuke  mean to you ... just... bombs .Then,  learn about the other side of one of the twentieth centuries greatest strides... Nuclear Science.

         It may sound scary ,but it is a cool  topic. By studiyng nuclear science on e can understand the basis of the Universe. The birth of universe , how did it happen?What goes on in the sun?how does Sun create so much heat?Are we in danger of merging with the sun?What will happen in another 1000 years to the Earth?How does the nuke  work?Why is it dangerous?Are we affected by cosmic radiation?etc. A lot of day to day questions can be answered by just peeping into the realm of Nuclear science...
Basis of Nuclear science (you need to know this ..seriously ).
The most important question to all the physicists in the turn of this century was if the atom had a nucleus or not?.And if it had a distinct structure or not? NOW we do know that a nucleus has protons(positive) , electrons (negative), and neutron(neutral). A proton has a charge of --  1.6*10^-27 kg. Thats pretty tiny. A neutron has a charge of  --0 kg. The electron has a charge of - 1.6^-27 kg. .
Nuclear physice actually began in 1896 when Henri Becquerel discovered a material that gave of light in a photographic plate. That was improved by Madame Marie Curie(1867-1934).(Physics,Giancoli), She named the material Radium and got a Noble prize for it. She also found out that these kind of material emitted radiation without any external stimuliis, unlike X-rays etc.

This site is separated into three parts;
1)Basic knowledge.
3)Advance level.

If you have  never heard the word  binding energy  or do not have a clue about nuke energy I suggest you oughtta use basic. Other wise read the intermediate and dust your know-how in Nuke science. And if ya think you are so smart ...then look into the advance area.

So, may the
Nuke be with you. (hunh??)
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