Lee's Meteorites and Astronomy Site
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This  roll off roof observatory houses an 8 inch Celestron telescope. The entire roof structure is supported on metal wheels that ride in a track running along the top of the side walls onto the support beams. Wood shingles are utilized to minimize weight, enabling the roof to be moved with very little effort, Electric power is supplied via an underground line from the house, about a hundred feet away. The overall dimensions are ten by twelve feet.
M 57, a planetary nebula in Lyra,
is actually a shell of gas thrown off
by a central star. Six minute exposure
with the 8 inch telescope, ISO 3200.
M 13, a globular cluster in Hercules, con-
sisting of several hundred thousand stars.
A two minute exposure, ISO 3200 film.
Total lunar eclipse, August 1989. The
earth's shadow blocks most of the sunlight
reaching the moon, causing color changes
and sometimes darkening the lunar disc
so much as to nearly render it invisible.
The full moon photographed through
the Celestron scope, the equivalent
of a 2000mm telephoto lens.