A Webquest on

State Government

in Queensland,


Created by Carmel Armstrong April 1999



Who governs Queensland? Who makes the rules? How can people have any say in how the state is run? To answer these questions we must know how government is organised. To help understand these questions and their answers, let's examine the workings of the Queensland Government.

It is very important for a citizen to be an informed community member who can make informed choices especially at Election Time. To understand how a community is organised, and how we can use it to meet our needs as an individual, we need to have an understanding of the political process. We can make a difference!

The Task

Step One: Your task will be to examine the Queensland Government model.

Step Two: Apply De Bono's Thinking Hats to make an informed decision on how well this model of government serves the individual.

Step Three: If you had a particular problem, how would you set about getting your message across to the policy makers? Choose a problem from the 'Help Me Solve This' list and write an action plan on how YOU would get your point of view across to the policy makers.

Wow, that sounds like a lot! To help you through this task, there is a prepared list of questions to guide your Internet research, there are links to various Government sites and a DeBono worksheet to help you organise your ideas.

Let's get started.