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Dr Jobiba Chinkhumba M.Litt, MB,BS.
Pharmacoeconomics Reaserch Center
St. Andrews University
8 The Scores
KY 16 9 AZ

This is me old photo....


Children of our Wars

Every day a journey to new places, Usual encounter with strange faces, That whisk by with a lot of hurry, Showing in their eyes more worry.

Nascent minds full of dreams, Dark nights adorned with screams, Feeble hearts devoid of missions, Big eyes seeing many visions.

About houses very empty and still; Their roofs draped with cobwebs: The walkways overgrown with grass: Song and laughter gone with the wind.

Friends of hunger and its corroding pains, Torment and fear falling like rains, Melancholy burning like lust. Love and comfort fallen to dust.

Young hearts rendered asunder, Their homes prone to plunder, Now we can see very clearly, Suffering of those we love dearly,

In search of a golden castle, They endure many a hustle, Crossing a multitude of ridges, Sleeping under many bridges.

But when they reach the next village, All they see is ashes after the pillage. Accompanied by enchanted wails, Reciting the same woeful details,

On they trod the valleys shaking with dread, In company of the spirits of the dead, On paths cobbled with a myriad of bones, Scattered here and there in cones.

Now hate hatches in their hearts, Against the war and all its arts; Melancholy that knows not seasons, Anarchy transcending all reasons.

Peace's all they need to be around, To put their feet back on the ground. Their aching sore hearts to ease, And thus their endless journey cease.

So tire not Children of our Wars. For soon this pain too will last, Like all marred things in the past, After reaching the bunk yonder, When Rubicon is crossed over.

(I wrote this poem with African Children in mind)[1][2]

Now, are you yearnig for more? Well, what a silly question. Of course you do. So here is some more. Enjoy!!!

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