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NEWS ! Could the American Radio Relay League enter the new millennium with a new name? The ARRL Board of Directors has asked the League's Executive Committee to develop a proposal to change the League's name to one that more clearly reflects the focus and purpose of the organization to hams and nonhams alike. The Board charged the Executive Committee to develop a name change proposal for consideration by the Board at its July meeting. The name-change idea is not a new one. A previous proposal was considered by the Board several years ago, but it was set aside.


The International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend took place from 0001 UTC on Saturday 22 August until 2359 UTC on Sunday 23 August 1998 when radio amateurs established stations at 151 lighthouses, lightships or maritime lights in 38 countries. The 1999 event will occur on 21-22 August

Other News:
A research company has developed a prototype micro-fuel cell powered by alcohol and has used the device to power a cellular phone. The goal is to create a longer lasting power supply for small, portable electronics. The current model runs about two weeks on a "shot" of alcohol but plans are to extend that range to 6 months. The unit can be refueled by adding alcohol (and yes, it will even run on hard liquor). Imagine the possibilities for ham radio equipment!


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