This is a picture of a 2kW light bulb being excited with a flyback xformer. Although, a long time ago, I used a dual 2N3055 supply with
power coil and feedback to make the lightbulb act like this. In this picture
I was actually being burned by the RF coming through the glass, but it does
make for a good picture! (Ahh the smell of ozone in the dark)
Sadly, this particular supply has failed on me, after examing the supply I found the transistors had died. This was after I had already destroyed the HV secondary on the flyback. At this point I have a MOSFET controlled flyback supply, driven by a 555 circuit, simple and robust. A good place to find cheap mosfets is in broken battery backup systems. The batteries seem to go out fairly quick leaving the electronics intact.
Tesla Coil Work
Voltage Experiments
R/C Glider
This page is (C) Copyright 1999,by Mark Holtan All images included unless otherwise noted.