I am currently enrolled in the Master's program in Chemical Engineering at University of South Florida. My basic area of research interest is semiconductor materials processing. My Graduate advisor is Dr. John T. Wolan. (He's really a surface scientist in the guise of a chemical engineer! :))

I've been involved in some projects as per my curriculum namely 
Fabricating SiC - LED'S, photo-diodes & wave-guides.
Chemical Vapour Deposition of SiC using heating sources other than RF.

I completed my Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering from the University of Mumbai. As part of my undergraduate syllabus in chemie I did a project on the manufacturing process of sodium disulphide- which is used as a reducing agent for converting nitro to amino compounds.

Here's some info on the various kinds of pumps from the Lesker catalog.

Playing around with web-based applications has been a kind of obsession with me. I've been a part of setting up couple of sites & my Advisor's site as well!

Check this site out for current research projects

Some of the other stuff I was kinda into