By Gary Leggiere ... aka ... MARS REVEALER!

Hi, My name is Mars Revealer!

I'm Out 2 show & prove by what is seen in MY enhancements from NASA's pics,..that Mars seems 2 be,...Appears 2 be,..Most definately is artificially,..& artistically created,...built,...made,...fashioned,... etc, an alien culture...or of Divine handiwork!! What I am going 2 show ya, is ENHANCEMENTS of NASA's pics of Mars. I will start out with these before I put NASA's originals up. After seein' &/or downloadin' my pics,...I want ya 2 compare em with NASA's versions. This is mainly 4 people who are already familiar with what NASA's pics are of Mars,..&/or who know how 2 get 'em. 4 all others,...simply be educated & awed at what my enhancements REVEAL Mars as...


For MY enhancements shows more than what I'm sayin' about the planet Mars,..but also a possible deliberate act of hidin' these facts & details from us all by NASA & bein' led 2 believe that Mars is the place they describe 2 us Mars is..Yet,..MY pics shows quite another planet then what they described altogether. So yes,..this site is 2 promote real education, least visual,..of the real Mars,..& to deliberately attack NASA's good name & call NASA a buncha liars!!! The details I reveal in thier pics shows this possibility..Well,..FACT!!! You all be the judges. I'm Mars Revealer, the new kid on the planetary enhancein' street!  Click on the following links to see my pics...

7707 Release Enhnaced            Mons!            Golden Alien Mars            North Pole            Smiley Pic Part Enhanced

Viking Cydonia            Smiley NOT Crater DONE!            City Square Strip            Enhanced Face

Another Cydonian Swath       moc2_105 Candor TOP Enhanced       New Face Found!      

Alien Mars       Valles Marineris NO Chasm!       Artificial Mountainings Whole

N. Polar Center Swirl       Cydonian Angles       Cydonian Face Swath TOP

Cydonian Face Swath BOTTOM       Smiley NOT Crater City

"All pictures from all pages on this website, are all rights reserved & copyright 1998/1999 Gary Leggiere,... & any uses of these pics for any purposes cannot happen without the EXPLICIT permission from Gary Leggiere only! NO exceptions!"

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E-mail me in the meantime.

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