Our Apartment
Hi, I'm Divya... Here's the tour of our new apartment!
Kitchen and Dining Room
Here's our dining room. Haresh bought me the big peace lily in the corner.
Our kitchen is really pretty spacious, although it always seems like there's not enough room to do everything.
Luckily, Haresh helps me cook and clean... Well, at least a little.
Living Room
We have a really big living room. I'm hoping to get nicer furniture for it, but Haresh says he doesn't have the money. Poor me!
This plant is my only valuable possession... except maybe for my vacuum cleaner. (At least Haresh was willing to spend money for THAT.)
Haresh got this sofa really cheap. You can tell, can't you?
Our bedroom is really nice, especially with the new bed!
I sleep really well in this bed. He doesn't sleep quite as well... maybe he's thinking of the money it cost him.
The bedroom has an adjacent bathroom with a really nice sink and counter...
...and a nice walk-in closet, too.
The rest...
We haven't shown you the guest bedroom and guest bathroom... and the hall closet. But there's really not much to see. Besides, Haresh keeps all his junk in there, so it's really a mess. :(
That's it! Hope you enjoyed the tour!!
Last modified 8 April 2004 by Haresh and Divya Kamath