Wolfe Creek
Northern Railroad

Charlevoix, Michigan

Welcome Aboard, You are passenger number


After purchasing, from a mail order outfit, the Bachmann PRR Liberty Bell set and the B&O Royal
set, I was ready to build a garden railroad. After several weeks of deliberation, my wife and I finally decided on an appropriate name for our garden railroad, The Wolfe Creek & Northern. At that time, we set upon designing the railroad and then the garden.
Construction of the railroad began in 1995. The mainline circles our home with passing sightings.
Naturally the railroad crosses Wolfe Creek! The railroad yard has a five track ladder, with east and west
approaches, also a run-around track, and was named West End Yard. All of the trestles and structures have been scratch built to this date.

Wolfe Creek



Progression of Construction over the years

Wolfe Creek and Northern Power Roster

Like most Garden Railroads my page is under construction yet.


In the meantime, Please come back soon and visit us

Last Updated March 25, 2001

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