Key words HAM RADIO and SUN VALLEY, IDAHO. Wood River A.R.C. Home Page This is the Wood River.A.R.C. Home Page. On this page we will have Ham Radio related links and W.A.R.C. news.
To become a member of the WARC contact Fred Naumann at (208) 788-4540. Or you can e-mail him at fnaumann@micron.net. He will be glad to help you. Our Amateur Radio Club is located in a beautiful mountain valley serving the world famous Sun Valley Ski complex. Members live primarily in Sun Valley, Ketchum, Hailey and Bellevue Idaho. Some have homes in other areas as well but come back as often as possible. The club has a RACES program and Volunteer Examiner testing team. We don't require that visitors join the Club but would welcome anyone that desires to help. Our membership list presently has less than 20 members and there's lots of room for more.
We have a 2-meter net on Tuesday nights at 8:00 P.M. Please check in with us if you can. The repeater is "Open" for visitor use so feel free to chat with local HAMS to get a feel for activities in the area. We have a phone patch for local calls and will bring up the patch for visitors on request. This is a great way to order your pizza or call your room from the mountain using your handy-talky. The club has a repeater situated on Della Mt. adjacent to the Hailey airport. Frequency output is 147.180 MHz with a +600 offset.