QBasic Archives

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There are currently 101 programs in the archives

The QBasic Archives is full of useful and enjoyable programs that can satisfy all your BASIC programming needs. Please feel free to download any program on this website. I would appreciate any links you could give me. To use these programs you will need a copy of Microsoft QuickBASIC. If you do not already have a version follow the instructions below:

To use Microsoft QuickBASIC:

1. Insert your Windows 95 or 98 CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop.
3. Double-click on the letter of your drive (usually D).
4. Double-click on other (Windows 95) or tools (Windows 98).
5. Double-click on oldmsdos.
6. Double-click on qbasic (click OK without setting any Parameters).

Or click below to download version 4.5

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Copyright © 2000 Patrick Johnson. All rights reserved.