Ana Bajagic
Priroda Juge
Lord of the Rings
Vesna (my mother)
Simo(my brother)
Todor (my father)
My name is Ana Bajagic; I am 33 years old. I am 163 cm tall and slightly overweight. I am smart, I have good sense of humor and like to tell a joke. I dont like to joke about others, but about me, that is another story.  I like to meet other people, to learn about other cultures and I like to tell about mine.  I don't have many good friends, but I can socialize with people and they like me. I always try to be polite.
I have finished Biology faculty in Belgrade and now I am working as a librarian at Biology faculty in Belgrade. I have started my postgraduate studies, and still hope to finish them.
But for one period of my life I was working in dwo primary schools teaching biology. It was very hard and demanding work because it is important to teach children good sence of their environment where they live, and how to make good relation with it.
I like to read and I like to watch TV, movies and like to listen to music. It doesn't mater what music it is, as long as it is something good. But I don't like Heavy Metal, Techno and Rave music. One of my favorite movies is Ben Hur with C. Heston
I like to walk in the forest. I live in suburb of Belgrade, that is near to mouintain Avala. Avala is one of places where Yugoslav ecologists do their researches of populations of different animals, mostly rodents.
Members of my family are my mother, my father and my brother.
My father works at the bookshop. He is selling schoolbooks for faculty, high school, gymnasiums and primary schools. Especially they sell books in mathematics, physics, biology and some interesting books about different social subjects.
My mother has worked at Biology faculty in Belgrade as administrative worker. She is now retired, for a five months. I think she enjoys now (boy I hope so). My brother is still student. I hope he will finished his studies, but now, he works in newspaper distribution company Global press as a controller. He has a bachelor degree in electrical science I have a few friends:
My best friend Biljana, in the same times my colleague during our studies of biology and now as assistant at same faculty.
For three years, I am in relationship with my boyfriend Aleksandar. He is a good and honest man. He writes a doctorate in history science. I hope he will finish it soon.