Kosa Computers pave the way
of personal training in computers at Mumbai. Besides E-Commerce Biz, we do
create professional level programmes, design Web sites, undertake projects for
DTP & graphics, multi-media, animation, WAP programs, CAD/CAM work; plus,
consulting in the field of hardware & software.
Personalised computer training since 1986-87 !
Designing & Site Development.
Professional Level Consultation for Hardware, Software, Web Sites, etc.
Kosa Computers pave the way
of personal training in computers at Mumbai. Besides E-Commerce Biz, we do
create professional level programmes, design Web sites, undertake projects for
DTP & graphics, multi-media, animation, WAP programs, CAD/CAM work; plus,
consulting in the field of hardware & software.

Kosa Computers pave the way
of personal training in computers at Mumbai. Besides E-Commerce Biz, we do
create professional level programmes, design Web sites, undertake projects for
DTP & graphics, multi-media, animation, WAP programs, CAD/CAM work; plus,
consulting in the field of hardware & software. |
Kosa Computers pave the way
of personal training in computers at Mumbai. Besides E-Commerce Biz, we do
create professional level programmes, design Web sites, undertake projects for
DTP & graphics, multi-media, animation, WAP programs, CAD/CAM work; plus,
consulting in the field of hardware & software.

Kosa Computers pave the way
of personal training in computers at Mumbai. Besides E-Commerce Biz, we do
create professional level programmes, design Web sites, undertake projects for
DTP & graphics, multi-media, animation, WAP programs, CAD/CAM work; plus,
consulting in the field of hardware & software.
Kosa Computers pave the way
of personal training in computers at Mumbai. Besides E-Commerce Biz, we do
create professional level programmes, design Web sites, undertake projects for
DTP & graphics, multi-media, animation, WAP programs, CAD/CAM work; plus,
consulting in the field of hardware & software. |
Career |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/career.html |
Central Railway DMU Time
Table |
Central Railway Main Time
Table - Arrival Pune Side |
Central Railway Main Time
Table - Departure Pune Side |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/cr_main_departure_pune.html |
Central Railway Main Time
TAble - Arrival Howrah Side |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/cr_main_arrival_hwh.html |
Central Railway Main Time
TAble - Departure Howrah Side |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/cr_main_departure_hwh.html |
Cold Fusion |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fcfusion.html |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fgps.html |
Graphics |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fgraphics.html |
JAVA Part-1 |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fjava1.html |
JAVA Part-2 |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fjava2.html |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fpda.html |
Programming |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fprog.html |
Protocols & Net Security
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fpro_sec.html |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/frdbms.html |
Smart Cards |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fscard.html |
Scripting |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fscripting.html |
Fundamentals |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/funda.html |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fwap.html |
Web Design Basics |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/fweb_basic.html |
Western Railways Time Table -
Holiday Special Trains |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/holispec.html |
Arts & Culture |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/larts.html |
Astrology |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lastro.html |
Automobiles |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lauto.html |
Bank |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lbank.html |
Beauty & Fashion |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lbeauty.html |
Business & Economy
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lbiz.html |
Bollywood |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lbollyd.html |
Books & Magazines |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lbooks.html |
Computers & Internet
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lcomint.html |
Commerce & Trade |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lcommerce.html |
Cooking |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lcook.html |
Dance |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/ldance.html |
Deals (Auction sites)
http://www.kosacomputers.com/ldeals.html |
E-commerce, E-Trade, E-Biz
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lecom.html |
Education, Student Visa Info
http://www.kosacomputers.com/ledu.html |
E-Greetings, Gifts
http://www.kosacomputers.com/legret.html |
Electronics |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lelect.html |
Encyclopedia |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lencyl.html |
Exhibitions, Shows
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lexhi.html |
Free, Freeware |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lfree.html |
Gaming Online, Games
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lgaming.html |
General Sites |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lgeneral.html |
Gods, Pilgrimage, Pooja,
Prayers, Religion |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lgods.html |
Government of India
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lgovt.html |
Hardware |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lhard.html |
Health, Medical, Hospitals
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lhealth.html |
Mumbai City Helpline Guide
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lhelp.html |
Hollywood |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lhollyd.html |
Horticulture |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lhorti.html |
Hotels |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lhotels.html |
Ideas & Innovations
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lideas.html |
Immigration Info |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/limgr.html |
Infotech |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/linfotech.html |
Search Engine of Kosa
Computers |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/links.html |
Interior Decorating
http://www.kosacomputers.com/linterior.html |
Jobs & Recruitment
http://www.kosacomputers.com/ljbos.html |
Kids, Teens, Cartoons
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lkids.html |
Landscapes |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lland.html |
Legal Affairs |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/llegal.html |
Lifestyles & Living
http://www.kosacomputers.com/llife.html |
Maps |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lmaps.html |
Matrimonial |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lmatri.html |
Manufacturers India
(Import & Export) |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lmfr.html |
Music & Theatre |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lmusic.html |
News & Media Publications
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lnews.html |
NGOs |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lngo.html |
Offbeat Sites |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/loffbeat.html |
Parenting |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lparent.html |
Photography |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lphoto.html |
Police (India) |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lpolice.html |
Products (various items)
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lproduct.html |
Radio |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lradio.html |
Real Estate, Realtors,
Property, Builders |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lrealest.html |
Region, Country |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lregion.html |
Gods, Pilgrimage, Pooja,
Prayers, Religion |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lreligion.html |
Research |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lresearch.html |
Science |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lscience.html |
Search Engines of the World
Wide Web |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lsearcheng.html |
Services |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lservices.html |
Sports, Gym, Athletics,
Recreation facilities |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lsports.html |
States of India |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lstates.html |
Stock Market |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lstockmkt.html |
Software, Programs
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lswprg.html |
Telecom, Mobile,
Communications |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/ltelecom.html |
Transport |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/ltransport.html |
Tours & Travel Guide
http://www.kosacomputers.com/ltravel.html |
TV (Television) |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/ltv.html |
Used Products |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lused.html |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lwap.html |
Web Hosting & Designing
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lwebhost.html |
Wild Life |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lwild.html |
Women |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lwomen.html |
Youth |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/lyouth.html |
Mailing |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/mailing.html |
Modules |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/modules.html |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/news.html |
Summer Special Trains 2003
http://www.kosacomputers.com/ot_rail.html |
Profile |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/profile.html |
Search in Kosa Computers
Kosa Computers pave the way
of personal training in computers at Mumbai. Besides E-Commerce Biz, we do
create professional level programmes, design Web sites, undertake projects for
DTP & graphics, multi-media, animation, WAP programs, CAD/CAM work; plus,
consulting in the field of hardware & software.
CAD/CAM work; plus, consulting
in the field of hardware & software. |
Selected Modules |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/select.html |
Holiday Special Trains:
Central Railway |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/sptrains.html |
Kosa Computers
Enrollment Form |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/tform.html |
Kosa Computers Site Map
http://www.kosacomputers.com/toc.html |
Indian Railways: Train Time
Table |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/trains.html |
Virar Dahanu Train Time Table |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/virar_dahanu.html |
Web Design by Kosa Computers
Computers pave the way of personal training in computers at Mumbai. Besides
E-Commerce Biz, we do create professional level programmes, design Web sites,
undertake projects for DTP & graphics, multi-media, animation, WAP programs,
CAD/CAM work; plus, consulting in the field of hardware & software. |
Western Railway Arrival Time
Table |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/wr_arrival.html |
Western Railway Departure Time
Table |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/wr_dep.html |
Western Railway Vasai Diva
Time Table |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/wr_vasai_other.html |
Resume |
http://www.kosacomputers.com/resume.htm |