By Marcelo A. Crotti - Argentina

(First version: Dec. 1st, 1999 
Last update: Sep 1st, 2003 )


In the following paragraphs a new model of what we call matter, waves and vacuum is developed.

In this model there is no need to make special assumptions for every constituent of the Universe. It is only necessary to postulate a primordial medium where interactions occur. The basic constituents of this primordial medium are postulated as one-dimension oscillators (like superstrings theory does). The basic difference with superstring theory is that the oscillators are not only considered as the basic constituents of particles. Linear oscillators are postulated as filling (and defining) all the Universe, while particles are only the physical manifestation of their coordinate interaction. As an analogy, waves in the sea and whirlpool in air are only manifestation of the coordinate interaction of water or air molecules. Whirlpools are not constituted by a new kind of element although, from our point of view, they could behave like not "only" air molecules.

As it will be shown, this new approach is compatible with special relativity formulations but avoids its typical paradoxes. The following points are remarkable:


In this work, the Einstein Special Relativity transformation formulas are derived from a new and very simple model. According with this model, the speed of electromagnetic waves are so closely associated to the structure of what we call matter, that any attempt to measure the speed of these waves is made through themselves. Thus, it will be shown that detecting the changes arising from systems in motion becomes impossible in two-way trips.

The model presented may be defined as "classic," understanding as such a synonym of "understandable" or "in accordance with our daily experience."

The basic assumption is that "elemental particles" are the result of interactions inside a "primordial media" at an average speed known as the speed of light ("c"). This "primordial media" is postulated as a sub-level support for all physical manifestations such as waves, particles, energy, etc. but is unlike the old conception of "ether." The basic idea of primary oscillators is conceptually similar to the superstring theory.

As it leads to the same transformation formulas than Special Relativity Theory, the model has full compatibility with electrodynamics and with all other phenomena where Special Relativity has been successfully applied.

The fundamental change happens at the conception of the intimate structure of what we know as matter, waves, vacuum or energy. The expressions "really happens" and "seems to happen", from Special Relativity are mutually replaced, according with this new point of view. As a consequence, the postulate about the constancy of the speed of light should be enunciated "The speed of light seems to be constant for all inertial systems". As shown during the following development, the difference between this expression and the postulate of Special Relativity, would come up only if accurate measurements of "c" were made using one way travelling of electromagnetic waves.

In his 1905 paper, Einstein explicitly states that the constancy of "c" is postulated in back and forth travels when he writes:


In agreement with experience we further assume the quantity


       ----------- = c

t'A - tA

to be a universal constant - the velocity of light in empty space."

Where t'A and tA are the times measured by the same clock when light travels from A to B and returns.

Accepting that all physical interactions are made through two-way travel of signals, one way travels are necessary to validate or reject the model herein developed. In ordinary interactions and measurements (back and forth travelling) this model leads to the same results than Special Relativity Theory.

However, the importance of this model does not reside in obtaining the same formulas through a different way, which would be only a mathematical exercise. If the analysis were correct, it would alter the deep conception of the Universe, allowing new theoretical and experimental approaches.

As an example, the conception of wave-particle duality would turn meaningless as a consequence that, according with this model, differences in internal structure of waves and particles vanish.

GO TO THE PAPER  where a formal development of this new model is made. 

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