Inside of me I feel this empty place.
Locked away deep in the dark,is a sad face.
Somewhere I saved all the tears I cried.
Some how I suppressed my feelings as part of me died.
Soft white pedals,kissed by the morning dew.
Long green stem covered with thorns to protect from the evil one might do.
Leaves of dark green reach for the sun in the sky.
Tiny buds blooming slowly taking their time,but why?
Are they not in a hurry to feel the heat of the sun?
Are they not in a rush to finish what they have begun?
What would happen if you were to force them to bloom?
The pedals of beauty would fall away in doom.
Do not rush a rose to open up to you.
If you do you ruin its beauty,then what shall you do?
Let the rose bloom at its own pace.
For this is not just some race.
Do you think beauty can be rushed?
Leave it alone to grow in due time ,you must.
Though the wait seems to take forever,let it be.
Just before the bloom opens it shines in great beauty.
So take a step back,let nature takes its course.
Because nothing is worth the pain of using force.
reaching into the darkness,knowing you aren't there.
crying out into the stillness,soul exposed,heart bare.
knowing we belong in each others embrace with out doubt.
trying to figure why love's flame of desire you stomped out.
searching for complex answers that only you hold.
striving to forget all the promises to each other we told.
The blink of beautiful lights,
the dark stillness of the silent nights.
A single tear,
an uncomfortable fear.
The cry of a young,innocent heart.
A once fun and loving girl torn apart.
Tears fall from her face,free.
What was once "us" is now "me"
A rock solid friendship torn to shreds,
now lays on a thorn filled bed.
Best friends ripped in two
friends like these are far and few.
death closes around one,
leaving the other with things undone.
Things not said are most missed,
when a loved one is by death kissed.
A cold dark sadness is holding me.
Depression and guilt to my heart flee.
Loneliness,and emptiness are what I feel.
Before grief and defeat I must now kneel.
A million melancholy tears fill my eyes.
a hundred questions all asking whys.
All of these are emotions brought to my heart,
by your mean and sudden depart.
When you left you broke my spirit.
I screamed "don't leave" but you didn't hear it.
A huge hole you left in my life.
You left me, you left your family, you left your wife.
I remember.
I sit alone,
in this house.
Listening for the phone,
but can not even hear a mouse.
I remember your kiss,
I can fell your touch.
Your love I miss,
You will never know how much.
I smell your sweet perfume,
I taste your lips
I remember this room,
the warmth of your finger tips.
I remember the love we once shared,
all the times we spent.
How much we cared,
all the rules we bent.
Yes, I remember you.
How do you grieve for a loved one gone?
Do you pound your fists into the wall until blood is drawn?
Do you simply sit and cry for a while or perhaps scream?
Could you just take a walk and remember what it is to you then mean.
Would you rest in bed for a few days?
Maybe walk around in a foggy haze?
Will you know they are gone for real?
Pretend they are on vacation so the hurt you would not feel?
Do we only seem to deal with this pain and loss?
Then when no one is watching at night we turn and toss?
standing on the edge of her cliff,she looks below,
she stares up at the stars to ask shall I go?
She takes a step closer to the end of the line,
thinking "once I am at the bottom I will be fine"
she closes her eyes and stretches out her arms,
she will say good bye,no more harms.
No more crying at night,
no more having to fight.
She will at least be free of the horrid monsters rein,
she smiles,she walks off the cliff, aww no more pain.
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