I hope the rest of your stay was great! Let me know if the weather improved. Have a safe flight home.
Cleveland repair A/C 571 and New Bike.
I've wanted to do this a long time! 2001.
The Graduation PicturesE2000.
BaZaArO BiLl„ (I went crazy, and loving it!)
PARTY PiCtUrEs at My Old ApArTmEnT.
Pictures of my friends and myself.
Pictures of the snowstorm that hit at the end of January 2000.
Link to my live apartment-cam.
Oh yeah! If you want to go out and do something, E-mail me or call me, I'm always ready to go do something!
E-Mail me at billyh99tulsa@yahoo.com
Last time updated: 01/06/2004
Check these other links out below.
Click here to see the NEW car pictures that are finally up! 354K
Click here to see my first page I made. 104K
Click here to see some more pictures. 278K
Click here to see the most exotic car I've driven. 235K