The Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM)

In the News:

| Perseids 2004 |
| Venus Transit 8th June 2004 |
| Biblioteca de Astronomie Online |
| Astro-Anunturi (vanzari/cumparari de instrumente & accesorii) |

| Who's Who in Astronomia Romaneasca |
| AstroSoft - Colectie de Soft Astronomic |

| Perseids 2003! |
| Mercury Transit & Astronomy Day 2003 |
| Perseids 2002 Event in Romania (IMC 2002 Proceedings) |

| Biblioteca SARM Targoviste |
| Instrumente Astronomice - un ghid al incepatorului |
| Astronomy Links |
| Leonids 2002 | Perseids 2002 |
| Noi si Cerul | Bolidul |
| Astropoetry | Astrofoto 2002 |
| Order the Map of the Sky |

| Amateur Astronomy in Banat, Romania |
| Occultation Moon-Saturn 3/4 Nov 2001 |
| Perseids 2001 | Orionids 2001 | Leonids 2001 |
| SARM at IMC 2001 |

| International Projects: EuRo Eclipse 99 |
| SARM and IMO organized IMC2000 in Pucioasa, Romania |

| About SARM | Perseids | Leonids 1998 |
| Address | Other Observations by SARM | Credits |

| SARM News Group |
| Our First Observing Manual |

Briefly About SARM

Founded in 1993 by Valentin Grigore, The Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM) is a youth non-profit society with about 200 members and 11 national branches. The main purpose of SARM's activity is promoting the public outreach of astronomy and meteor observations, at national and international level, through cooperation in about 40 countries. Since 1996, SARM publishes the astronomical journal We and the Sky and organizes major national and international projects.

Perseids, a Frame of the Sky...

One of the main projects developed by SARM since 1993 is the astronomical camp "Perseids", organized yearly in August, where about 100 participants take part each year: pupils, students, amateur astronomers, teachers and researchers. Perseids is more than an astronomical camp, is a "Frame of the Sky", as Valentin Grigore, the national president, pictures it. The following activities are being set up each year with Perseids: the observational camp, colloquium of astronomy, public outreach meetings, the astronomical contest for students, photographical exposition, an astro-poetry festival, some trips and expeditions to many exciting places in the Romanian country side.

Leonids 1998

On 16/17 November 1998 Valentin Grigore observed a very spectacular show of leonids above Dealu Monastery near Targoviste, Romania. A detailed report is now available and some of his photos. Enjoy them!

Orionids 2001

Between 13-21 October 2001 Dan Mitrut observed four nights the Orionids. His detailed report sent to IMO is available. On 20/21 October Alex Conu observed also the Leonids and sent his report to IMO.

EuRo Eclipse 99
The Total Solar Eclipse on 11 August 1999 in Romania!

Between August 1-16, 1999, together with Total Solar Eclipse 99 and the Romanian tour operator Romantic Travel, SARM organized EuRo Eclipse 99. This was an international project that gathered together about 250 amateur astronomers, professionals and tourists, 170 internationals and 80 Romanians. This was the biggest project organized by SARM and was devoted to two great shows of the sky visible in August 1999: Total Solar Eclipse on 11 August 1999 (with the maximum visible in Romania), and the maximum of the Perseids (very favourable in August 1999). With its seven tours, EuRo Eclipse 99 not only assisted people to observe the eclipse from the best places, but also introduced them to wonderful places and the friendly Romanian people.

Other Observations by SARM

Vasile Micu was the vicepresident of SARM and did most of his observations from Bunila in Retezat Mountains, far away from the artificial light pollution. Here are some of his results:

Join SARM News Group!

SARMNews Yahoo!Group has been created in Dec 2000 by Alexandru Conu to make the comunication much easier between SARM members and other Romanian amateurs. In just its first year of existance, SARMNews exchanged a total of 921 messages between its 85 members!

As with Nov 2001, because of some technical problems, the group has been renamed simply SARM (to be used in the future).

By joining SARM email group you'll receive alerts on important astronomical events, share opinions and observations, and maybe the most important ask questions about observation techniques. Or simply just share with others the passion to look to the stars! Click here if you want to join the group or send an email to the moderator to join us.

SARM's Address:

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Email: ,
Phone: +40-245-213851, +40-722-829034
SARM - CP 14 OP 1, Targoviste 130170, Dambovita, Romania

Webmaster: Ovidiu Vaduvescu (Jan 1998 - Sep 2004)