Peter Semple
Ok, I know this is a boring pre-designed home page - I'm working on it, as soon as I brush up my rusty HTML.
I am a psychologist, currently working with CRS Australia, a government funded vocational rehabilitation organisation.   I am married to Joy, and father to Benjamin Joel, and Felicity Renee Rose.  We have a dog, a cat, budgies and fish
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Graphic saying 'Member of IBC'
My hobbies and interests include reading, playing guitar, bass, and mandolin, photography (I have my own darkroom in the laundry), and building scale models (mostly aircraft and ships.  I have recently started wooden sailing ship kits).  I am also interested in history, especially related to my favourite modelling subjects.  I grow bonsai trees and also cacti (I like things that are hard to kill).
Well, apart from my wife, I have a brother and sister-in-law, a sister, and my parents (and the animals are defininitely part of the family
Most of my friends are workmates.  I also spend time with people from work.  My best friend of all is my wife.
my thesis
Student Life