EDIT 6/21/02

EDIT 11/15/01
Since this site happens to have some of my odd opinions on it, I'll add more.
I have a Dell Precision 330 now, P41.5, 1GB PC800 RDRAM, 36GB 10K RPM SCSI3, 18.4GB 15K SCSI, Quadro2 Pro, yada, yada.
Windows XP is awesome, and IE 6 works well.
Yeah, that's about it....

EDIT 4/18/2000
Since this is my first site, I don't want to really mess it up, but just in case anyone sees this, I want to make this notation to prove I know what I'm doing now.
If you would like to see my main site, please go to www.jvkco.com.

The views that I put on this site have changed, some of the big ones (at least the ones show on this site) are:

Update March 2, 2001-
Look at this site, it's amazing. It was the beginning of my computer knowledge. Forget the old T800r, I now have a Precision 330, 1.5Ghz P4, 768MB ECC PC800 RDRAM, 36GB SCSI Ultra3.... IE 5.5 is good now, they fixed the bug. Well, still visit the good site at jvkco.com.

Update December 10, 2003-
I'm speechless...
Hell why not - now the comp is a Precision 360, 3.0Ghz P4 HT w/800Mhz bus, 2GB ECC PC3200 SDRAM, 2x 36GB Ultra320 15K RPM, 160GB SATA and a QuadroFX 1000

Open 24 hours! This page is 100% ANTI spice girls! Cloud USA!! tetris Yin Yang Nuke!


redyellow green


Welcome to Jeffrey Kauffman's web page.

Welcome to my web site.

JVK Web Developers-If are interested in a personal or commercial web site, go here. They make good looking, high quality sites for businesses, organizations, and people.

Learn how to do HTML and JavaScript!

I am rarely building this site now. If you would like to see my newer stuff I recommend you go to the links above.

Warning: This page is best viewed with a fully open screen on you browser.

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and are okay too.

If you don't have you need to get it.

I have a

If you're wondering why I put all these pointless things above, I just thought the graphics were cool.

Another warning: This is just another pretty pointless personal web site.

If you want to see a web page that has a point, click here. This page is about nuclear weapons and other cool stuff to do with nuclear fission and fusion.

You can take graphics from my site, just e-mail me that you took them and include a link to your site.

NASA is cool is cool.

cool links

Hell's Bells Entertainment <--Go here, this is my friend and my site.
Sarah Knight's web site
Itche's home page.
Heffer's barn-Jeff Maslow's site
Jack's Web Site
Learn how to do HTML and JAVA! (this is another one of my sites)

Misc-This has cool stuff on it.

Cool Pictures

Free Graphics! (This has a pretty big selection. It has most of the graphics on my site plus more!)

Free Music!

Learn how to do HTML and JAVA!

Please go here for me to promote your site and for you to promote mine.



Oil=what we live on. Drink it up!

This page is always under construction.

Macs don't Suck!

Macs Suck!
-((edited 2/12/2000) Acually, I don't really think Macs suck that much because they are quite powerful and nice. My prefrence it a PC, but Macs are okay. (and Apple's stock is pretty cool too. (AAPL))

<-- This is real.

E-mail me! N7215r@usa.net



This page was built by Jeffrey Kauffman. I would like to thank all the people who I took pictures from. The space for this page is supplied by Geocities.