Welcome to the Ti- Shack the number one source for all the Texas Instruments calculators out on the market.  This page will be updated as often as I find the time to work on it.  The Ti-nerds and I  hope you enjoy your stay, and be sure to come back soon.

Calculator of the Month:

The Ti-89 is the newest Texas Intrusment calculator on the market.  This calulator has the power of the Ti-92, but in a smaller pocket size.  This calculator has over 500K of ram and is aceptable for use on the SAT exam.  The Ti-89 can graph 2d and 3d polynomials,2with
rotations, linear algebra, interactive numeric solver, constants, unit conversions, statistical regressions, and opinional assembly language assembly.  So your wondering, what does all this mean?  This calculator can basicically do any equation for you that you know how to solve.  Not only does the Ti-89 come in handy for math, but also in programming.  The developers even have flash rom updates so your calculator will stay up with technology.  SO what you really want to know is where are the programs.  Check out the power of the Ti-89 and visit the Ti-89 program files section.  Once you download some of the programs you will see why the Ti-89 is truely the best calculator on the markeet today.

Programs of the Month:

Ti-82:                  Basic:                                                          Asm:
Gorillas                                                    Plain Jump
  Gorillas is just like the classic game "bang     Plainjump is pretty much what the title
       bang".  It requires you to use your              says.  The object is to stay on the
       knowledge of Velocity and Angles.             Black while jumping and spinning.
                      Download It!                                                Download It!

Ti-83:                   Basic:                                                           Asm:
Air Squad                                                 Spaze Invaders
  Air Squad is a clasic shootem up game            The classic game of Space Invaders is
           Where you fly and shoot your                     back and is now on the 83.   Fight
                           enemies.                                                your way to victory!
                      Download It!                                                   Download It!

Ti-85:                   Basic:                                                          Asm:
  Chat 85                                                       Squarz
How about talking to your friend just like     Squarz is a Mario Bros type game. Your
            you would on the internet.                           a bug and you have to survive.
                    Download It!                                                  Download It!

Ti-86:                   Basic:                                                          Asm:
Breakout                                                 Blouder Dash
  The classic game of Breakout can now          Blouder Dash rrequire mind skills as you
       be played on your 86 in basic.                      collect diamonds and avoid traps.
                      Download It!                                                Download It!

                           Basic:                                                         Asm:
                  Final Fantasy VII                                                 Tetris
  Final Fantasy 7 based on the SquareSoft        The Game no one can resist.  Play
               characters and storyline.                          Until your mind goes crazy!

                       Download It!                                               Download It!

Ti-92:                   Basic:                                                          Asm:
                         Checkers                                                      Mario 92
Play checkers against the computer or play       Mario is back, and now for the 92.  You
            your friend, a great interface!                       can even build your own levels!

                      Download It!                                                 Download It!

Quote of the Week:

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know"
            -John Keats

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            -The Ti-Nerds


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