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Small Model Airplane Lovers' League

S.M.A.L.L. is a social [non]organization that allows people to get together and enjoy time with one another free from the pressure of competition. The [non]organization is open to any, and all, modelling types with only one limiting factor: engine size.

S.M.A.L.L. is world-wide and NO registration is required in this no-rules [non]organization, and hence the actual number of members is not known.

The importance of S.M.A.L.L. was first recognized in 1988, when Model Airplane News founded the first annual S.M.A.L.L. Steps Fly-In. This event is open to any and all models powered by an engine with less than .26 ci displacement.

If S.M.A.L.L. is for you, place your hand on your heart and proclaim:

"I promise to build and enjoy S.M.A.L.L. model airplanes"

That makes you a lifetime member of S.M.A.L.L.

This web site is devoted to the builders and fliers of small model airplanes, specifically radio-control and free flight models with an engine displacement of .26 cid or less, control line models with an engine displacement of .36 cid or less, small electric powered, CO2 powered, rubber powered, small gliders and indoor aircraft.

This site is maintained by Kenny Williams at Elkland, Missouri. If you know of any sites with similar interests, if you find a dead link here, or if you just want to comment, please E-mail me:

Amateur Radio and the R/C Modeler:

Has this ever happenned to you? It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon, you go to the local flying field ready to fly all afternoon and you find that some one else has your frequency pin. At first it's an inconvenience, but as the afternoon wears on and he still won't let you fly, it has ruined your whole day. The answer? Amateur Radio! It's almost like having your own private frequencies! Click here to find out more!


It's finally here! See my new Jr. Falcon Twin at the top of the Photo Page.

This web site created December 30,1998 with Windows logo Windows Notepad.

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Site Last Updated: December 7, 2008