Hi! My name is Nicole.
I live just outside of Houston, Texas, where the summers are unbearable and the winters are almost non-existant.  I have been collecting shot glasses since 1994.  My first shot glass was a Houston Rockets World Championship shot glass purchased at Walmart the day after they won their first World Championship.  Since that time I have accumulated over 1500 glasses and still counting. I haven't bought as many in the last couple of years basically due to lack of display space.  I have about 700 of them on display in special plexi-glass covered cabinets that I built myself but I kind of ran out of gas building them and have the rest of my glasses stored away until I can build some more cabinets.
My collection consists of some Hard Rock Cafe but only a few Planet Hollywood.  
Most of my glasses are touristy, advertising, colored or decorative.
My favorite group has to be the liquor advertising glasses because there are so many unique ones out there. 
My favorite shot glasses are from my favorite show (of which I'm probably too old to be addmitting this...)
"Buffy The Vampire Slayer"  which unfortunately is no longer on the air (sigh!).
Someday I will buy a new digital camera and put more/better quality pictures on this site.  
Several people have asked if I sell or trade glasses. Unfortunately I do not trade at this time. 
I also get a lot of emails asking where to find certain glasses and the only answer I have is to check on ebay.com.  There are shots for sale and/or auction from just about any place and of any kind you could think of. 
If you have a shot glass web site or want to link one to this  page, just email it to  me with " Link"  in the subject line and I'll link it to my page.  Feel free to link my site to yours.
Apologies to anyone I haven't emailed back!  I will try to do better.
I also want to say thank you to everyone who has signed my guest book.
It's nice to know there are so many other people who share my love for collecting shots!
Click on the links below to view my glasses..........             

visitor #
Advertising Shot Glasses 1
Hard Rock Cafe
Colored Glasses
State Shots 1
Frosted Glasses
Advertising Shot Glasses 2
Favorite Links:
State Shots 2
Boxed Sets
EBAY Shot glasses 
Garden Of The Gods Shot Glasses
This Page Was Last Updated On:  06/11/2004 @ 07:56 PM CST
Hollywood Mega Store Shot Glasses
Rain Forest Cafe     Planet Hollywood     Motown Cafe
JD Novelties - Utah Shots for sale
View my Guestbook
View my old Guestbook#1
Davids Shot Glass Collection
View my old Guestbook#2
Lynnes' Tailand Souvenier Shot glasses