John's WW2 Navy Shipboard Radios
Click on picture to enlarge.
Navy shipboard radios;(top row left to right)RBM-4, SLRM, (RBV-2 Panoramic Adaptor)
(center row left to right) RBA-7, RAK-8, RAL-8
(bottom row left to right) RBA-2, RBB-1, RBC-5
Also part of DAK-1 Loop Antenna and me, John Richardson kb0upl
Click on picture to enlarge.
Click here for pic. of DAK-1
Click here for a pic. of my new BG IFF unit
More Navy shipboard radios;(top)RBU-1 Panoramic Adaptor,(top row left to right)NV-14 Intercommunicating Unit, RDP Panoramic Adaptor
(center row left to right)RBL-3, RDO, (bottom row left to right)RAO-7, SLRF, (far right) DAK-1 Direction Finder.