Alton's Home Page
Rev Mon, 24 April 2000 17:07 CDT

Construction Barricade

This is my "doodle" page to play with learning to create pages. Currently I am using HotDog Hot Dog Professional

I am finally updating again after the Yahoo takeover of Geocities last summer. That is what procrastination is all about.

Under Construction Very much under construction so you might want to keep coming back to watch it grow. Be sure and send me feedback, cool links, even HTML snippetts.
Who am I? I am professionally an electronics engineer specializing in imbedded processor system design. If it's something scientific that looks neat or way cool I like to play with it.

The house is cluttered from floor to ceiling with all kinds of electronic and lab gear. We are slowly gaining on the battle of junk but it is an uphill battle.
Vacuum pumps and lab equipment have gotten into shelves. Cleanup page has not been updated yet.

Site Map 24 April 2000

New song "God's Left the U S A"

Firearm owners Action Alert
Strict Rules for Stray Cats (mirror)
The Cleanup Page
QSL card
The N5PSP / N5SBC Ham Radio Page
Clubs, swapfests, suppliers, licensing info
Declaration the Declaration of Independence
Charlton Heston's Speech
as delivered to the Harvard School of Law on February 16, 1999
Weather Page
Weather Page - Nature's Fury
Live satellite pictures, current radar, forecasts, storm chasing, and other info about severe weather.
STS-51L Challenger
Flight of the Challenger

In memory of STS-51L crew and all pilots and astronauts who made the ultimate sacrifice to push the edge of the envelope.
Guinea Pig
Picture Page!

A growing photo album of various stuff we like to do and play with.
Circuit Boards
Electronic Links

A comprehensive listing of electronic manufacturers, suppliers, tools, and other stuff for the hobbyist and professional alike.

Cartoons, Parody music, Essays, and lots of Links
Deficit you say?
What is ADD?

FAQ about the fascinating enhancements to our brain's microcode
ScaddVent 98
Adults with ADD/ADHD

Lots of page links.
Fly flag upside down as a distress signal
What if this happened to you?

Power Politics: What do you do when you are on the wrong end of it A family's story?
Pneumatic Cannons
Pneumatic Launchers

the quest to send objects further, faster, higher

lpc-300t.gif - 5704 Bytes Look at my first commercial page - optimized with HotDog Professional to be exceptionally fast loading because it doesn't have all that annoying popup server push stuff. You can see it at Laguna Petroleum Dept of Energy Project, 1996-97 annual report

Click for Midland, Texas Forecast
What is the weather like here? Live updates
Get Programmers' File Editor. A very handy Windows based text editor that vastly outperforms Notepad. Free download.
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Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!
Big Brother Inside The newer Intel processors can be used to spy on you. Here's the latest scoop.
dark_bullet If you have an ADD / ADHD page and want it linked, please Send them
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dark_bulletEmail: Send links, report bugs, comment, etc.

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