
I was born at a very early age. I've lived in a few different places across the USA. My grandparents sent me to private school starting with grade 3, because they knew how poor the Milawaukee public schools were (still are). I graduated from Kalamazoo Christian High School, which was rated as the best high school in the entire state of Michigan (I'm sure they still have the award President Reagan gave them to prove it). I went to Calvin College (rated 1st in physics undergraduate programs amoung private colleges) where I earned a B.A. in Physics with a minor in Math. After graduating from Calvin I spent about 16 months working full time in the "real world" of information technology before being asked to attend Purdue University.

There I was just minding my own business at Purdue University, getting paid to pursue a PhD. in low temperature condensed matter physics when suddenly: the truth hit me. You'll never get a job with a PhD. in physics. So I left Purdue with an M.S. in Physics to pursue my formerly part time interest in information technology. Oh, all right, somebody really waved a pile of money under my nose so I left for greener pastures (what physicist call selling out).

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This page was created by Philip Polstra.