Welcome to the Southern Jr. High Science Lab

Welcome Back!

If you like to have fun, if you like to learn and if you like SCIENCE, this is the place to be. This sight will have notes from class, study guides for tests, pictures of our trips and activities, and the Monster Extra Credit Web Contest.You can also look here for all of the week's assignments, so no excuses for missing homework!

Later in the semester  I'm going to allow you to E-MAIL me some of your written assignments from the computer lab or from your home p.c.. This will stop your dog from eating your homework, unless he likes chips-computer chips that is.

Other features of this page

Rules (you knew there had to be some)
This page is covered by the district 120 Laws and Guidelines for Computer Use. You are responsible for your conduct here. Anyone using this page inappropriately, sending inappropriate e-mail or altering the page in any way will be subject to discipline as stated in the Laws and Guidelines. Besides, messing around with this page will incur the wrath of its guardian, Zeke, Canine Master of Doom and you don't want that. NO not that.

* Last updated February 22, 1999*                                                                         You are visitor number  
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