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Pilots are often asked why they fly.  For most of us, it is difficult to express our feelings to the uninitiated.  And I suspect that each of us has our own personal reasons for wanting to fly.

For some it is a sense of accomplishment.  Of the 275 million or so people in our country, only 600,000 have earned these privileges.  Flying is not innate to human beings.  We have no inborn knowledge that makes this possible, or even probable.  The ingenuity of Man has made flight possible for those that want to invest the hard work of learning how to accomplish this feat.

Flying gives us a sense of freedom.  We may routinely view the world as few have.  We can see more than one East Coast city simultaneously, given a clear day, or Denali can guide us to our destination even though it is 100 miles distant.

Aviation expands professional opportunities by erasing limitations imposed by distance.  Our country has long recognized the value of aviation and has invested in an extensive airport system.  Most places are close to some small, or large, airport.  In those instances when we must conduct business in person at some distant location, aviation presents a very attractive solution.

Personally, I fly because I just plain like it.  And I enjoy sharing this experience with others.  As a career flight instructor, I have had the privilege of introducing many people to this realm.  I never tire of being in the airplane with students.  For me each flight is like one of my first. 

For those of you with an interest in learning how to fly, I would be happy to answer any of your questions and guide you to further resources.  If you are in Southeastern Pennsylvania, perhaps I can help you to arrange an introductory flight. 

I am a flight instructor in airplanes and instrument airplanes flying out of Pennridge Airport (N70) and am a NAFI (National Association of Flight Instructors) member.  My contact information is:

Airport Telephone:      215-453-9445
Home Telephone:        215-536-4815
e-Mail:              Jeff Nash

Jeff Nash