Anyway, the only real news is that this month's TOP TEN
is finally out!!! Actually, to be more accurate, as you're reading this, today's
TOP TEN is out. You see, we've taken on the challenge of writing a brand new TOP TEN
each day during the final week of uni, ie. this week, ie. Wk#13. So go, and laugh yourself
And finally, as the year is coming to a close, this week is your final chance to send us
(actually, you could still write us mail instead of doing revision during the exam period), so
c'mon, let us know how much we've impacted upon your miserable lives, and tell us you love us.
Ps, we just want to say in advance, ie before the exams, that yes we will be back first half
next year, to provide all the moral support you've come to expect of us. So to most of you: SEE
YA NEXT YEAR! (insert evil laugh here). To the rest of you: BASTARDS.