Lecture Unit 7-1
Chapters 32-36
Classification, virses, bacteria, protists, fungi
Classification 32
I. classification
a. polynomial system: latin based names of groups (or genera)
b. “many name” apis pubessens thorace subgriseo abdomine fusco pedibus posticis glabris ..
c. binomial system: by Carolus linnaeus 1750’s
i. two name naming system
d. species name
i. taxonomy classifying things
ii. Homo sapiens: Homo = genus, sapiens=species
II. Heirarchy
a. Kingdom-Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species
b. From general to specific.
III. Species:
a. Biological concept: (can be used for sexually reproducing organisms)
i. Two organisms that cannot interbreed and produce fertile offspring
b. Efforts to define species:
i. Remain relatively constant in their characteristics
ii. Can be distinguished from other speicies
iii. Don’t normally interbreed with other species
IV. Evolutionary species
a. A single lineage of populations with distinct identity from other lineages.
b. Phylogeny= looks at differences & similarities within groups which can infer evolutionary relationships (aka systematics)
c. Cladistics=looks strictly at evolution to group organisms
d. Traditional taxonomy=significant characters are used to group.
i. Traditional would group birds alone
ii. Cladists would group birds with reptiles
a. Animalia
b. Plantae
c. Fungi
d. Protista
e. Archaebacteria
f. Eubacteria
VI. Domains
a. Domain archae:
i. Cell wall lack peptidoglycan
ii. Different lipid in cell membrane
iii. Distinct RNA sequence
iv. Some genes have introns
v. Examples
1. methanogens H2 + CO2à CH4
2. extremophiles 60-80celcius
3. nonextreme
b. Domain bacteria
i. Nitrogen fixation
ii. Cycling carbon and sulfur
c. Domain eukarya
i. Protista=amoeba, euglena, algae, kelp, paramecia, plasmodia,water molds, rusts, mildew
ii. Fungi= bread molds, mushrooms, toadstools, rusts, yeasts, truffles, lichens(fungi+bacteria or algae)
iii. Plantae= nonvascular plants(mosses), seedless vascular plants(ferns), gymnosperms(conifers), angiosperms (flowering plants)
iv. Animalia=animals
v. Characteristics:
1. multicellular
2. sexual reproduction
3. life cycle of: zygotic meiosis, gametic meiosis, or alternation in generations.
VII. Viruses
a. Not considered living
b. Composed of Nucleic acids and protein coat
c. Can reproduce if in a host cell.