Mars currently looks
Mars is a planet
with about 1/3 the surface of the earth. So it has about the same amount
of land as earth has dry land. Mars has a gravity of 0.38g, earth has 1g.
At 0.38g human beings probably live with no side effect like bone shrinking.
Plants don't need any gravity and therefore feel perfectly comfortable
at such a gravity. Mars' day, unlike all other planets' day, is comparable
in length with earths' day. At the equator, the day is 24.5 hours long,
on earth, the day is About 24 hours long. This is no problem for agriculture;
the day-night rhythm is neither too short nor too long. This is one of Mars'
big advantages compared with the moon.
Mars is also called
the red planet because of its colour (which is red). The Martian soil (or
Martian "regolith") has big amounts of rust (Fe2O3),
which gives it the red colour. The abundance of rust is an advantage for
future colonies which, if they desire to be independent from Earth and
able to grow quickly, will need vast amounts of iron in form of steel.
The iron can be gained easily from the rust in the martian soil.
Future farmers in
martian greenhouses will be glad to hear that the martian soil is very
good for agriculture because of the higher concentrations of phosphorus,
calcium, magnesium, sulphur, iron, manganese, zinc and copper.
People who think
that the water needed for a colony on Mars would have to be imported from
Earth are absolutely wrong. The martian soil on the 10 upper centimetres
( the driest sheet ) contains at least 3% of water. This is enough to get
water out of the soil by heating it up. The martian northern icecap is
mostly made out of water ice which can be heated up to get liquid water.
If Mars was flat and if all the water ice was molten, the planet would
probably be covered with a 100m deep ocean. That means that water deposits
underground are likely to be found. Those water sources will represent
a gold source for future Mars-colonists.
The martian atmosphere
is only 7mbars thick, which is not very much compared to Earths' 1000mbar
atmosphere. But this atmosphere is thick enough to prevent the deadly solar
storms from reaching the surface of the planet. Because Mars' gravity is
about 1/3 as strong as Earth's, the 7mbar atmosphere would be a 21mbar
atmosphere on Earth. The atmosphere is mainly ( to 95% ) made of carbon
dioxide ( CO2). The rest is oxygen ( O2 ), nitrogen
( N2), water vapour ( H2O ) and noble gases ( He,
Ne, Ar...).
But Mars also has
a very interesting geology which has a lot of touristical value. It has
the largest canyon system in the solar system ( Valles Marineris) and also
the by far highest and largest volcano in the solar system ( Olympus Mons
which is 26 km high ). It also has beautiful and enormous craters, which
do not exist on Earth. Interesting to know is that the northern hemisphere
is much lower that the southern hemisphere. This could have been provoked
by an enormous meteorite impact. Mars also has two small asteroid-like
moons that can be seen from the surface. Mars is the most beautiful planet
in the solar system.
What is most interesting
about Mars is that it is possible to terraform it with today's technologies
and a modest budget. It is the only planet we know of where this is possible.
We'll tell you more about terraforming our sister planet a little further
on this site.
Here is a short table where characteristics of Mars and Earth are compared.
Equatorial diameter |
6, 787 km |
12, 756 km |
Polar diameter |
6, 746 km |
12, 714 km |
Duration of 1 rotation |
24, 62 hours |
23, 94 hours |
Mass (Earth=1) |
0, 107 |
1, 00 |
Average density (water=1) |
3, 94 |
5, 52 |
Acceleration due to gravity (at surface) |
3, 7 m/s/s |
9, 8 m/s/s |
Escape velocity |
5, 01 km/s |
11, 20 km/s |
Inclination of axis |
23,98 ' |
23, 4 ' |
Maximum temperature |
27 'C |
58 'C |
Minimum temperature |
- 126 'C |
- 88, 3 'C |
Natural Satellites |
2 |
1 |
Position in Solar System |
4 |
3 |
Composition of atmosphere |
~99% CO2, 1% Ar, Kr, O2, H2O, N2 etc... |
~80% N2, 20% O2, some CO2, H2O, Ar etc... |
Density of atmosphere |
~7-8 mbars |
~1013 mbars at sealevel |
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