Thanks for dropping by my web page. It is an on going project and will be continually updated.
Last Update: Jan. 27, 1999


You have seen this before and I'm sure you will see it again, I'm a BAR (Born Again Rocketeer). I started building and flying model rockets back in the early 60's. Mostly flew Estes stuff but had a few Centuri rockets. My first rocket was a WAC Corporeal by Estes. Then along came Ham Radio, my wonderful wife, RC airplanes, 20 years in the Air Force, well you know the story! Now at the tender young age of 48 I'm back into model rockets, and my how it has changed!

A little bit of infomation about me. I'm married, have 2 boys, and I'm a Maintence Technican for SCI. I live in Box Elder, SD. My hobbies are model rockets, VW's, and ham radio.
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B.A.R Webring
This Born Again Rokkiteer Webring
site is owned by
Jerry Felts

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