Welcome to my Scale Modeling site! Like most of us I began Model building at a young age, and haven't stopped yet.
This site is divided into the Modern Flight Gallery, and the WW II Gallery. These Galleries are the introduction pages which take you directly to the Display Hangers - these are the U.S.A.F. Past, U.S.A.F. Present, U.S. Navy, Nato, Eastern Bloc, Allies, and Axis Galleries. Also included is the Sci-Fi Hangers.
I've included a little information about each model below the photographs, about the model, and any other pertinent details. Model photos will be added as the kits are completed
Also included is a Links Page which will take you to kit manufacturers, military museums, and othe modeler's sites. There is also a link to my online photo magazine - Rob's Eclectic Photo Pages - please visit if you have the time!
Just added! I've included a gallery of my pilot's wing collection for those of you interested in military aviation memorbilia
Also Just Added! Check the Sci-Fi Gallery for a scratchbuilt fighter which will appear in the April '99 Finescale Modeler Reader's Gallery!
This site is compatible with Microsoft Explorer and Netscape Navigator, however with AOL 4.0, most of the images look quite bad (sorry!)
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