to the Communications and Intelligence officers NASTY
page.My name is DocJ and I have been flying in AW for
several years.As a matter of fact almost as long as the
NASTY have been around. I have been 1rstNASTY eversince
my first day on AW. I ran into CHGO in the HQ and he
asked me if I needed help, well he helped me and then
asked me to join. I have been a NASTY member eversince.I
went through the AW1 and AW2 changes and was a little
slow in getting to AW3 because of my slow puter which has
since been upgraded. If ya have any questions about
joining please email me at truckn@msn.com and I
will be glad to point ya in the right direction.
In real life my name is Greg Joyner and I drive a
truck for a living I work strange hours sometimes so I do
not get on as much as I would like to but between work
and my family which consist of a wife of 11 yrs. and 3 yr.
old son I stay pretty busy. Well just look around and
enjoy. There are link buttons at the bottom to info on
bombers and a drag racing page I have under construction.
Also a link to the offical 1RST NASTY web page.