Okay, okay...we know that we need to update..we're trying to get to it. 
May 2001
May 2001 Kid Pic Link #1
Collins Kids
MAY 2002
Faron  &  Christy's  Home  Page
Yes!!!  It's May 2002 and we STILL need to update this page!!!
Collins' Kid Pics OCT 2001
Hello .........  You kids get the hell off my damn web page.  You're either here by mistake or I e-mailed you and asked that you check it out.    Christy and I moved to Lancaster, CA on 24Dec98.  Our E-mail address changed and you can find it below, but our "hotmail" is the same.  The big news is...........We had a baby girl 14Aug99  "Kaylee Rose Collins".  We are still trying to get used to living in the desert.  We did not want to live too far away from KY and now we are only about as far away as we can get (1900 miles away).  Hopefully we can get closer to the east coast within the next 3 - 5 years.
...and now check here if you have ever seen our dog get an ass woopin'.
Check here if you have ever seen our dog shit or piss on the floor.
This is our cute little dog "Maggie".  AKA  "Maggie-Waggie".  She is dressed up and ready to party!

More Faron Stuff
Faron Stuff

Christy  Stuff

Cartman kicks ass!
Family Stuff

Germany Stuff Korea Stuff

Our New House L.A.  Center
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  IT'S   A   GIRL
Well here they are folks!!!!
Page #2 of baby pics
Add your picture here

Drop us a line sometime!
   Current as of May 200

Our page is of course, still under construction,  We are happy we got this far.   Take care all !!! :-)

This many people have accidently visited this site!
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