Technical/Builder Support, Maintenance and Flight Training for RotorWay Exec Helicopters

   The purpose of this website is to provide RotorWay builders and pilots in the United States and Canada with technical support and a possible means of alternate maintenance and flight training in the event that the builder/pilot is not able to attend the RotorWay International factory training in Chandler, Arizona.

What is offered (US and Canada):

  • EAA Technical Councilor

  • EAA Flight Advisor

  • Builder assistance/support

  • Flight test planning and execution

  • Support with relevant certification documentation

  • Rotorcraft-helicopter ground school (private, commercial)

  • Rotorcraft-helicopter flight training (private, commercial [CFI in the US])

What is not offered:

  • Issuance of certificate of airworthiness (either FAA or Transport Canada)*

   *We will make every attempt to provide all necessary documentation to support the builder with regards to certification of the aircraft.  We can also assist the builder in locating DARs.


Latest updates to this website include:

  • No updates this time except for this index page announcement

Site last updated on 11 June, 2003.

For general inquiries, please email:

If your time and date at the top of this page are wrong please adjust your PC's clock and refresh your browser.  Best viewed at 1024x768 resolution.

Important disclaimer:

This site is here to document the assembly, maintenance and flight experience of our own particular Exec162F helicopter kits. This website does not have any professional affiliation with RotorWay International. This site is by no means meant to offer advice to anyone building any type of aircraft nor is it a substitution for flight and/or maintenance instruction or training - it is only meant to document our personal experiences relating to the assembly, maintenance and flying of our own helicopters. Any comments contained herein are merely personal observations. All technical or product support requests should be directed to RotorWay International. Reproduction of any text or photographs for private or commercial use without permission from the author is prohibited. Links contained to other website do not constitute any affiliation, product or service endorsement.

Copyright © 1999 - 2003 Ken B. Saumure