Reba Orton

ASL Computational Linguist

Site Map

Neil Armstrong Anecdote

My IT Resume

Important Links

Koos Vanderwilt, computational linguist

My Lisp Programs

My ASL Decision Tree Program in Psuedo Code

My Revision to the Perl Extraction class project

Original Perl Extraction class project

My Papers

Moment of Fame

Gallaudet University's "On The Green" article about my psycholinguistics paper

Photo Album

Reba's Deaf President Now 10th Anniversary Gala (DPN10) Photo
Cousin Dan & Missy, my Sister
A Fish SmokeHouse Setup in Alaska
More Alaska pictures!
Newsworthy Deaf Community Services Clean Up Day in Fairbanks, AK
Reba in her new Turquoise Rose Outfit
Deaf Way II photos
Biker photos
Deaf American Indian photos
A picture of me working as a tutor in a TIP booth at Gallaudet University

Audio Album

Reba's English Poetry and Visual Art

More of Reba's Poetry

Ray Kennedy wrote "Feral Lion Encounters Poet Lass" in honor of my poetic skills

Reba's ASL "My House" Video Poem

As of 2006, the Immortal Verses compilation and
"The Sound of Poetry" three CD collection
will have my "Deafness" poem in it.

As of 2007, The International Who's Who in Poetry book
will publish my poems "An Ode to a Deaf Don" and
"Description Of A Beloved One" in one of their editions.

Click to subscribe to DHOHPROG,
a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Computer Programmers list
that I assist in managing

This Deaf WebRing site is owned by Reba Orton.

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