The Christian MP3 Launchpad is your starting point for great Christian Music. Commence Countdown!

So began the era of the most comprehensive Christian MP3 site ever to appear on the face of the web. With a listing of well over two hundred Christian mp3 sites, all designed by Christian music fans, the Christian MP3 Launchpad set a new standard of quality and quantity for the Christian MP3 Scene.

After obtaining top 10 search rankings on all major search engines, the Christian MP3 Launchpad suffered a terrible turn of events: our sponsor withdrew their sponsorship. Leaving us with no option but to forsake the project, we allowed the site to wax dormant. However, the search engine rankings continued to grow, and we realized that something valuable was on our hands with the remnants of this Christian MP3 Portal.

It was then that Christian MP3 Music contacted us. Needless to say, we were somewhat surprised to hear from them, since we remembered them as having focused primarily on independent christian music rather than christian music fan mp3 sites, as is our forte'.

Well, they offered to host our listing of mp3 links as a part of their featured content, and we decided it would be a good partnership. So now, we bid you farewell, and we invite you to surf on over to our new friends at Christian MP3 Music!



The Christian MP3 Launchpad Team