Robert Nicolai H33
Home Up Jim Corbett H8 Gary McGregor Robert Nicolai H33

More photos!

undercon.gif (293 bytes) Awaiting a photo and reminisces.
Since our last reunion in 1991, a few things have changed in my life.  I am still a crane truck driver, but am now employed by a private firm sub-contracting to Auspine Building Centre, following their take-over of Cowells Building Supplies.  My service record continues (coming up to 15 years, which is a bloody record in itself !!).  

I am still with Shelley, whom I married in 1988 (another record) and we built a new home at Oakden in 1998.

I have two sons from my first marriage.

Scott is now 28 and living in Alice Springs, where he works as a warehouse manager for a firm supplying all manner of goods to a large number of Aboriginal Communities and stations in the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia.  He also works part-time at "Centabet".  He has two sons and a daughter with his partner (soon to be wife) Karen.

Shane is 27 and lives in Gawler with his wife Leonie, where he is a partner in a radiator repair business with his father-in-law.  

My step-daughter, Carmen, is 19 and studying at Regency TAFE Hotel School.  She is doing an Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management and also works part-time at The Hyatt, in the city.  She has recently returned from 5 weeks in Sydney, where she worked in the Sports Illustrated Corporate suite, at the Olympics, and has caught the "travel" bug big time.  

My step-son, Mark, aged 17, is currently working part-time in the retail industry.  His biggest claim to "fame" so far is writing off our Commodore, two days after receiving his "P’s".  He is OK.  

I don’t have any amusing anecdotes to share at this time as the old Alzheimer's has just kicked in … I’ll see if I can remember what I’m supposed to remember, by whenever I’m supposed to remember it by ?????

All the best.

Rob …. er (Nicolai, I think )