herman_darman@yahoo.com |
Geologist / Seismic Interpreter
New Venture, Regional Study, Prospect Evaluation and Maturation |
- Msc. in Petroleum Geology, University of Aberdeen (UK) graduate.
- Familiar with workstation environment and seismic interpretation.
- Mature in surface and subsurface geological mapping.
- Experienced in well site activities and wireline log interpretation.
- Keen in regional geological studies, emphasizes in deep water system.
- Active in professional organizations.


1991- BSc Geology - Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
Project: Provenance Study of Halang
Formation, Central Java
1995- MSc Petroleum Geology - Aberdeen University, Scotland, UK, 1995
Project: Fracture evaluation of
Bruce Field, Northern North Sea (R) |

2000-present: Brunei SHELL Petroleum:
- Evaluation geologist: seismic interpretation, mapping and well proposal preparation.
- Regional study: team coordinator, data gathering, knowledge integration, regional.
- Tools used: Halliburton-Landmark-Seiswork, Halliburton-Geoprobe (3D Volume interpretation), Schlumberger-Petrel, ESRI-ArcGIS, Shell-123DI (3D Volume interpretation)
1995-2000: SHELL Indonesia:
- New Business group: regional seismic interpretation, subsurface mapping, data room
visit, block negotiatio support, business review and regional study.
- Team leader: of partly deep water system PSC in East Kalimantan.
- Evaluation geologist: seismic interpretation, seismic mapping, drillling preparation and
- Identify new prospects and leads.
- Field operation supervisor (company representative for drilling activities) .
1992-1994: LASMO Runtu Ltd, East Kalimantan (Borneo)
- Surface geological mapping, remote sensing interpretation, seismic acquisition support,
database management.

- Glennie Award, Best Mid-Year Presentation, 1994, Aberdeen University.
- Best Performance, 1996, Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy Course by Robertson Handford.

- Petroleum Geology of SEAsia
- Turbidite and Deltaic settings in Asia Pacific region: Modern and Ancient
- Tectonics of SEAsia

Bellow are a list of selected papers. For a complete list including abstracts and figures
please click here 
- 2001, Deep-water Sedimentation of Southest Asia, Proceedings of FOSI 2nd regional
seminar, Eds: A. Setiawan, H. Darman, F. Hasan Sidi, M. Syaiful:
Indonesian Sedimentologists Forum (FOSI) special publication.
- 2001, Depositional systems of the deep water Tarakan Basin, Indonesia, K. Hemmes, H.
Darman, L. Suffendy, Meizarwin, in Deep-water sedimentation of Southeast
Asia, Proceedings of FOSI 2nd regional
- 2000, An Outline of the geology of Indonesia, H. Darman, F. H.
Sidi, Indonesian Geologist Association special publication
- 1999, Tectonics and Sedimentation of Indonesia, H. Darman, F. H. Sidi,
Proceedings of FOSI 1st regional seminar.
- 1999, Tectonics and sedimentation of the Tarakan Basin, H. Darman, in
H. Darman & F. H. Sidi, Proceedings of FOSI 1st regional seminar.
- 1996, Aspects of the Neogene Tectonic History and Hydrocarbon Geology of the Tarakan
Basin, M. R. Lentini & H. Darman, Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum
Association, 25th annual convention.

- NW Borneo regional geological studies
- SEAsia reservoir geology database compilation
- Exploration GIS preparation

- FOSI (Indonesian Sedimentologists Forum) - as journal editor, former general secretary
- IAGI (Indonesian Geologists Association) - former sedimentology commission chairman
- IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Association)
- AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologist) - Asia-Pacific Region president, visiting geologist program
- IAS (International Association of Sedimentologists)
- SEPM (Society of Sedimentary Geology)
- FOGRI (Indonesian Reservoir Geophysics Forum)
- BGS (Brunei Geological society)