Cat Dissection
Fun and Profit

Here Kitty Kitty AHHHHHH SPLAT!!!

How do dead cats create a better America? How can I profit from the dissection of cats? What happens when the cat is out of the bag? Is there really more than one way to skin a cat? Are Jeannette and I really telepathic? (I know you don't think we are.) Who is Peter really and what is he hiding from Jeannette? Who shot JFK, and why does the government hide the existence of extra terrestrial life? Find the answers to these questions and so much more when you join the Cat Dissection for Fun and Profit / David Ultimate Fan Site for only $299.95 a month! Plus if you join now you will recieve a free membership to the 101 Useless Things To Do With a Dead Cat Online Resource!


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Journal of Dissection



The purpose of this web page is to document the dissection of the cat Gertrude in our Human Physiology and Anatomy Class at Arcadia Highschool. We would like to give special thanks to our wonderful teacher Ms. Tooley for providing us with the opertunity to learn more about physiology and anatomy through the dissection of these cats.

Hidden somewhere in these pages is a link to David's Other Page, which has on it the meaning of life and other important stuffs.
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This site is meant to be offensive and and may not be accurate. This site was created by David the Magnificent. I would like to thank my wonderfull teacher Ms. Tooley. (suck-up points)