Welcome to Scott's AVI / MPG MOVIE PAGE

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Here you can download AVI and MPG movies.

My Geocities bandwidth frequently runs out so if you visit

scottg26.com you will be able to download the movies!

All movies between 600KB and 1.1MB

Please take the poll near the bottom of this page!
Recently i was awarded a "Golden Web Award". This is a great honour for me and I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the hundreds of people who have made this page a sucess. Thank you for your continued support.

Star Trek Starship Enterprise Visit scottg26.com to get the movie

Click here to get the movies from scottg26.com

NB: Parental Guidance Recommended

777Crash.zip - shows a 777 airplane crashing into a building. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Movie1.zip CS type movie.

Note: In Movie1 the sound near the end of this movie is the person's pain from the gun on his neck. (NOT what you may or may not think it is.)

Movie2.zip Knife-stabbing/murderer on loose movie.

Movie3.zip Evil First Person shooter type movie.

Movie4.zip Madman taken down by "The Haze Gun." HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Movie5.zip Man wielding a Nail Clipper goes on rampage...

Movie6.zip The introduction goes wrong...

Movie6b.zip The introduction goes REALLY wrong...

Movie7.zip A madman pilots a 737 with disastrous results... (3.11 MB) (Note: Movie7.zip may take some time for the download to start)

Movie8.zip scottg26 has revenge!

Movie9.zip The toothbrush of damnation

Star Trek Starship Enterprise Visit scottg26.com to get the movie

Tour of my room Visit scottg26.com to get the movie

Egg Hunt! Visit scottg26.com to get the movie

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These movies are parodies, comedies, not based on any real event, and are NOT supposed to be taken seriously. Please do not be afraid to laugh at them, as that is what they were designed for.


Counter-Strike: Condition Zero:

Looking for pictures of cs_militia_cz, cs_office_cz, cs_italy_cz, de_dust_cz or de_aztec_cz? Click here: for the Counter Strike: Condition Zero Pictures!!!

Counter-Strike Movies at scottg26.com. Click here to download the CS_Assault and CS_Militia movies!!!!

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