The UFO phenomenon got in high gear around 1947. What have we really learned since then, next to nothing in 58 years? We have gone through investigations from project Sign to the NIDS group, first to determine if UFOs represent a threat to national security and then to determine what the nature of the phenomenon is. Both of these endeavors have failed. A part of the overall UFO problem is certainly real and has caused a lot of confusion in world governments around the world.
The author has gone through the full evolution of ideas as to the nature of the phenomenon from space ships from outer space to travelers from other dimensions or parallel universes. One theory that I rejected early was the possible satanic connection but now after 58 years of reflection, I have returned to this theory as my #1 choice for the following reasons;
The spiritual aspect of the UFO phenomenon is very complex and similar to the apparition phenomena reported by the Catholic Church. Researchers like Jacque Vallee, Allen Hynek, John Mack and others have had similar ideas. A number of books and papers have been written on this subject.
My hypothesis is that we really are seeing a satanic created event where actual plasma is created by intelligent creatures from the spirit world. If true, the implications of this are awesome to say the least because science tells us that there is no such thing as a spirit world. The Bible tells us that indeed there is a spirit world and we are subjected to an undesired interface with entities from it. What are the limits of what they can do? Some Bible research should give the answers. One verse by Jesus may be the answer as to the Satanic limits of power...Matthew 24:24 in the Christian Bible. In the Bible book of Job, Satin is given permission to use physical effects in a big way. The big question is, what is the purpose of this mass delusion. I think it is an end time delusion with the purpose of deceiving the human race into believing that we are being visited by spacecraft from other worlds. This feeds on the desires of many people to have space brothers come down and solve are many problems we can’t seem to solve ourselves. Bible readers would recognize this as the anti-Christ who will show many signs and wonders near the end of the age.
No good thing has ever come from the 58+ years of UFO events. Their have been injuries and deaths related to the UFO phenomenon. World Governments have spent millions of dollars to investigate. The distraction of people away from the important things in life, like eternal salvation, recognizing and accepting Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and doing the Word of God, has been great. As a Christian I have wasted countless days working on the UFO problem instead of studying the word of God.
Science tells us that the distances are to great for creatures from other worlds to come here from distance stars and time travel is out of the question, so what else could they be.
The "UFOs" ("Unidentified Flying Objects") is a very controversial subject.
- Thousands of people believe there are extraterrestrial intelligent beings with high and sophisticated techniques.
- The "Air Force Project Blue Book", was able to provide a rationale for all but 700 out of 12,600 cases of sightings between 1847 and 1969... most of them were clearly mistakenly identified planets or asteroids, rocket launchings, weather balloons, and atmospheric phenomena...
...But what about the 700 left?...
Four kinds of Encounters:
1- Encounters of the first kind: Observation of a UFO within 500 feet.
2- Encounters of the second kind: Physical traces left behind.
3- Encounters of the third kind: Actual contact with the occupants, with the ETIs ("Extraterrestrial Intelligences"): These are the ones referred to in the film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".
4- Encounters of the fourth kind: With abduction or examination by these beings. This is the subject of the top-grossing film of all time, "E.T" in 1989.
- The encounters of the third and fourth kind, there are only in films... no one in reality:
... There is not even one "flying saucer" in any place on earth... if there were a "flying saucer" left in Russia, certainly it would have been on TV and in the newspapers many times... but there is no one "flying saucer" left by the ETIs, or captured to them... If there were at least one in some place on earth, you and I would have gone to see it!.
... And certainly, no one Extraterrestrial Humanoid have ever been captured and shown on TV or in any newspaper.... and we do not even have the "words" of any Extraterrestrial Humanoid on tape!... though many people claim to even have had sex with the Extraterrestrial Humanoids!...
... The only evidences we have today are encounters of the first and second kind!... and that's not enough to claim they even exist!...